Veðrið á Bakkanum

þriðjudagur, 29. október 2019

Herjolf's Vikinghouse

Vikinghouse in Westman-island
A copy of the Viking house of the Viking Herjolf Bardarson. He settled in the Westman-island on C10.
Margret Hermann's archaeologist began excavation in the Westman-island in the summer of 1971 and work five summers there. The excavation revealed that settlements in the Westman Islands were much older than previously thought or from the early 9th century.

fimmtudagur, 24. október 2019

The towns water tank was destroyed

Westmann islands watertank
In the volcanic eruption of the Westman Islands in 1973, the lava stopped in the water tank. The ruins of the water tank still stand today.

sunnudagur, 20. október 2019

The island of tragedy

The Westman Islands are a very interesting place. If you are lucky to go where a car ferry sails when the weather is good. The island is a very old fisherman's town and the people have a very special history. Once there was an eruption and all the inhabitants had to flee on their boats, and the town went under  the ashes. Later they dug up the town. Once the Turks came with two warships and invaded the island. They killed a lot of people, but many people were able to flee to the cliffs, saving their lives. Turks robbed many women and children and sold into slavery. Later some could bauy freedom and come back.
The people on the island are very friendly and there lives also a special bird called 'Lundi' (Fratercula arctica) which was caught for food in the old days.
The first inhabitants of the island were slaves as wrecks from the Vikings.  Later, fishermen moved there, providing good conditions for fishing.

google: Vestmannaeyjar 

Walk on the water

Eyrarbakki beach
By the town of Eyrarbakki is a beautiful beach and popular for walking and children's games. There is also a lot of bird life on the beach that many people enjoy watching.

google: Eyrarbakki 

The Valentine's beach

Falling loveđ couple walking on Valentine's beach in Vík
Google: Vík
Vik is a lovely town between the East and the West Coast. The highway is around town and a popular bus stop. Young and old lovers enjoy walking on the beach listening to the voice of the ocean and experiencing hot kisses.


Sunnanpósturinn var mánaðarrit sem kom út 18351836 og 1838. Það var prentað í Viðeyjarprentsmiðju árið 1835-36. Í ritinu voru fréttir, tilkynningar, greinar, frásagnir og kvæði. Viđ tökum nú upp þráđinn þar sem frá var horfiđ og munum koma víđa viđ.
Allt efni verđur birt á ensku.
The Southern Post was a monthly publication, published in 1835, 1836 and 1838. It was printed in Viðeyjarprintsmidja in 1835-36. The publication contained news, announcements, articles, stories and poems. We are now picking up the desire from where we left off, and we will come soon. All content will be published in English.

mánudagur, 14. október 2019

Stúkan lagfærð


Lekavandamál hafa verið viðvarandi í Stúkunni á Selfossvelli, en með nýrri tækni er vonast til að vandamálið heyri sögunni til. Borað er inn í steypa á fjölmörgum stöðum og ventlar settir í, en í þá er sprauta frauðefni undir þrýstingi. Frauðefni leitar í allar sprungur og lokar þeim. Það var Vörðufell ehf sem sá um framkvæmdir.

fimmtudagur, 10. október 2019

Fjörustígur formlega opnaður

 Fjörustígurinn, fjögurra kílómetra langur göngu- og hjólastígur sem liggur á milli Eyrarbakka og Stokkseyrar, var formlega tekinn í notkun í gær. Meðal viðstaddra voru Eyþór Laxdal Arnalds sem var í forystu bæjarstjórnar þegar vinna við gerð stígsins hófst og Tómas Ellert Tómasson, bæjarfulltrúi Miðflokksins í Sveitarfélaginu Árborg.

Morgunblaðið - 10. október 2019